Understanding what our "ego" is and how it works will increase our happiness and deepen our understanding of our suffering. When hearing someone talk about "the ego" we might think it is something related to inflated sense of self or arrogance. However, ego is more closely tied to our self-perception, our mind and our natural defense systems. Perception is the ability to see, hear, or become … [Read more...]
Having A Breakthrough
LovingSelf.com is dedicated to the great journey of life. Helping and supporting your breakthrough as you navigate the obstacles of self perception. So where do you start and how do you get going? Most of us require some sort of catalyst. Some person or event that jars us into a self-realization that we could not see previously. Often our catalyst is something that causes us great enough … [Read more...]
Society’s Values vs. Life’s Values
The more we learn about and understand life, the more we realize almost everything we have been taught originates from society's goals for us and not our own. Today, we are going to compare the core values of society's goals to life's goals for us. We will see how it is actually society that influences our plans, our thinking and our actions. Lets start by defining what "values" are: Value: … [Read more...]
Learning to Let Go
Learning to let go can be extremely difficult. Sometimes our thoughts simply wont allow us to detach. Even when we know our thoughts are unhealthy, our brain keeps replaying the same negative thoughts or feelings again and again. Deep inside of us, we feel that our survival depends on having our situation the way we want it versus the way it currently is. But why is this happening and why cant … [Read more...]
Understanding the Mirror of Life
Life can be very frustrating if you don't understand how the "mirror of life" actually works. It is easier to place blame on others, get caught up in the drama or bad things that happen to us. We try to set expectations and to control things but it only leads to disappointment and unhappiness. Our minds don't want to accept that we are actually the ones that are making these bad things happen... … [Read more...]
The Power of the Mind over the Physical Body
It's an age-old question that humans have always wrestled with, can our mind influence our body? We are going to dive into the history of this question and learn the science behind physical matter and energy, the power of healing, how the sun plays a role in all life and the proven influence of the mind. Physical Matter Thinking What we know about our physical bodies really improved with … [Read more...]