When we think about a connection, we picture a channel of communication between two things. However, life is a vast and interconnected network of energy. Not only a connection between two things, but a connection between many things. The more we learn and understand life, the more we begin to see the connection between all things.
There are both physical and energy based elements in our connection with life. If you look at the life on this planet, we all have elements of the universe within us. The energy from the sun, the air we breathe, our dependence on nourishment and sleep.
We are also connected to our ancestors. Their cells are within us. We are the living representation of our family line. The connection with our ancestors can pass onto us good things but also seeds that are unresolved or that cause conflict and suffering.
Appreciate the Connection of Things
It’s important that we understand, appreciate and value our connections with others. Our culture and society promotes individuality and privacy above the power of our connection. However, sometimes we don’t even have to pick up the phone and someone is calling us that we were just thinking about. This is real power and the connection of life.
We are physically connected to our feelings and emotions. We feel this connection deeply at the time of great joy but also at times of loss or suffering. Yet we don’t think about our feelings as a connection, we feel that they are part of us. Recognize it is all part of our connection to life’s energy.
When we meditate and practice mindful breathing we are connecting to to life and helping transform our inherited patterns. Life is always here for us to connect and benefit from its healing power and support. Yet in times of issue, we often turn to distraction or avoidance instead of connecting.
Why do we believe the lies of our false self (our ego)? The thoughts and feelings we have cannot always be trusted. Our ego loves to stir up drama and drive attention back to our self.
Why do so many people feel alone when everything is so connected?
2 Reasons:
- Our lack of understanding
- Our lack of daily practice
Life’s Healing Power of Connection: Nature
It’s important that we spend time connecting with the energy of nature. When we learn what connecting with life feels like, it becomes an amazing truth and realization we cannot deny. It fills us with such great power and energy. We begin to see and feel life’s beauty and miracles all around us.
Many people feel the connection with nature’s energy when they are near the awesome power of the ocean.
As we connect with nature, we begin to see and feel it all around us. We feel it in the trees, the sky, the ocean, lakes, streams, woods, mountains, flowers. When we are watching a beautiful sunset or the bright white clouds contrasting with a deep blue sky. When we are hiking in the woods or kayaking down a beautiful stream.
When we connect to these things, it empowers us. It recharges, heals and energizes us. It puts the important things in our lives back into perspective. We are connected to something bigger than just us. We are part of the connected ecosystem of life.
A flower cannot exist on its own. It starts with a seed and the seed needs some soil from the earth. The soil and the earth are now part of the miracle of a flower. The seed must be watered by the rain. So now the rain is also part of the flower. The rain comes from clouds, so the clouds are also part of the miracle. The flower needs sun and warmth, so now the sun is also part of the flower. So a flower is not just a flower. It is the interconnection of all of these things that makes the miracle of a flower.
All life is made possible by the connection of all of these things. They all make the miracle happen. Please do not forget this important truth. We are part of that miracle. We should appreciate and be open to the connections of all things.
Deeper Beauty Revealed to Us
As we connect with these things more often, we are improving our connection with life. Life begins to reveal to us a greater depth and beauty. We begin to appreciate, see and feel all of life’s precious energy surrounding us and penetrating us.
But more importantly, life connects with us. Life is then able to help and guide us. Life is able to heal us. It is not a 1-way communication. This is an important step in our journey. As we practice connecting with life more often, it becomes easier for us to understand how life communicates with us.
It is interesting that people put more time and effort into their work or into their education than they do in seeking understanding of their life. This demonstrates a massive misalignment in society’s values and a decline in what is being taught in schools. How life works should be of paramount importance and taught freely to all children. Everything else should be secondary.
What good is money and a family if you ultimately feel miserable, unhappy, and have resistance to the things that happen to you? And sadly, we begin to pass this unhappiness on to our children and to their children. Perpetuating dysfunction and handing down issues to our future generations.
Unless we decide to break the cycle and transform ourselves.
Practice Connecting Each Day
Lets make the commitment today to begin to see the connection in all things. Lets commit to do no harm and to respect all life. Lets begin to free ourselves from our trained thinking and negative patterns.
Let us practice spending more time connecting with life and with nature, so that we may be healed and nourished and that we may heal and nourish those around us.
Wishing you peace and love,
Until next time…