LovingSelf.com is dedicated to the great journey of life. Helping and supporting your breakthrough as you navigate the obstacles of self perception. So where do you start and how do you get going? Most of us require some sort of catalyst. Some person or event that jars us into a self-realization that we could not see previously.
Often our catalyst is something that causes us great enough suffering that it pushes us into personal growth from our experience. Ideally our catalyst wouldn’t be painful. But many of us need significant enough pain to make us “wake up” and take different action. If the pain was not there, our brains trick us into remaining in our comfortable, predictable patterns of delusion and ego.
How Did I Get Here?
We spend the majority of our lives trying to figure out how to make things work. Many people avoid learning about life all together. Even though we spend years being educated, we didn’t learn what we really need to connect with life and its power. We were never really taught the path to inner peace and true happiness.
The path to understanding life comes from seeking it out. When you are finally willing to lower your defenses and accept the path, you will begin to come to new realizations about yourself and your surroundings. We call this a breakthrough. This breakthrough will help you release the old patterns that you were holding onto.
Certain people will seek the path out, diving in, fearlessly facing their challenges. While others will fight and resist the path of self-discovery every step of the way. Whichever path you take, know that it is perfectly natural to resist. Resistance to change is built into the way our mind works. What is most important is that we decide to seek out a better understanding of life and are willing to work at it.
Human beings resist what is unknown or uncomfortable without awareness. Our resistance can lead to years of being stuck in unhealthy and stubborn patterns that are simply not getting us where we want to be.
If we follow society’s plan for us, we end up becoming someone completely different than we expected for ourselves. We become our jobs, our family obligations, our chronic illness and our delusions. All of which keep us from being what we really desire and who we really are.
The First Question – Who Am I, Really?
When you introduce yourself to someone new, how do you describe yourself? Most people describe their job, their kids, where they live, what hobbies they like. None of these things are who you really are. These things are not the real you.
Ask yourself the question. If you were being introduced right now, how would you describe yourself? An awesome worker with great skills in your current job? A dad and a husband with a family? Interesting – that you likely relate to yourself through your ego – your false self.
So lets clear it up right now – this is who you really are:
You are a bright, shining part of the world around you. Connected to all life. You are a walking, talking miracle and gift of life’s power and energy.
Can you feel this connection with life or have you been tricked into believing you are what society or others see you as? Do you feel disconnected and alone? Do you often compare yourself to others or value how others see you?
Begin a personal breakthrough. Realize that you have been tricked into your current self-perception. We are pushed into this, through our daily lives, jobs, houses, cars, owning things…
The Lies We Believe Without Question
We become the beliefs that we were taught as a child. We become our background and experiences from childhood, the things we learned from our parents. These beliefs and background are the reason we hold back, we doubt ourselves, we judge and criticize ourselves and others. These are the lies that make us suffer. The lies that our minds feeds us.
We mistake these lies as truth. We believe our thoughts and feelings without questioning them. Without understanding why or where our thoughts and feelings come from. Our untrained mind always tries to trick us into believing things that support our broken beliefs and ego. Supporting our fears and our human addiction to stories and drama.
Let’s start by thinking about our own story. Begin by writing down some facts about your background. What were the events or beliefs that led you to your life right now?
Survival Instincts and Self-Defenses
We all believe the lies we tell ourselves because of a series of complex self-defense mechanisms that are there to protect us and keep us safe. It’s ironic that these defense mechanisms are the very things keeping us from the life we really desire.
Our belief system keeps us blindly tied to a life of suffering until we insist on breaking free from the prison we have locked ourselves into. The prison of our own mind. Not because we intentionally want to torment ourselves, but because we simply do not know how the laws of our nature really work.
Break free of your suffering or unhappiness. Begin a daily practice mindful breathing. Anchor yourself in the present moment. Have a breakthrough.
We are all on the journey of life, whether we choose to understand it or not. Each of us has a different experience, purpose and story. We each have different triggers that cause us to react and suffer. The question becomes do we have enough pain to make us willing and to be open to learning and change?
The Sweetness of Life
If you decide to jump into your journey and seek out deeper understanding, the connection you can experience with life is so powerful it cannot be described. The sensation of reducing our suffering and increasing our happiness and acceptance feels amazing!
Full of gratitude and supporting energy – flowing with the creation of all that is. It can cut through to your core like a beam of sunlight piercing through a dark room.
There is a path to inner peace and happiness. This is the transformation of the old you who suffers (without understanding) to the new you (awakened and connected with life). This path to happiness is all based on your ability to understand and accept. To expand your awareness.
When you were younger, you had expectations of where you expected to be in 5 years, 10 years or at some distant point in the future. Eventually, you come to the conclusion that your life did not turn out as you expected. Get ready…. here is a major, Life truth for you…
Life is about learning, growth and change. The more we resist this, the more we make ourselves suffer. Life is about gaining understanding. The path to compassion and learning to love unconditionally.
Certain people spend there entire lives seeking understanding and learning to free themselves. They do not treat it as a hobby or a side project when they have extra time. They dedicate their entire lives to seeking an understanding of life to reduce their suffering. In certain cultures, this path is considered a great honor and a sign of awakening.
Welcome to Your Awakening
It’s no coincidence that you are here. Life’s energy and power somehow guided you here. Try to be open to Life’s guidance. You might see it as coincidence, but in my experience there is no such thing.
Lets embrace our breakthrough and commit to seeking out a new understanding of how life really works. Lets commit to investing and improving ourselves. Its never too late!
Welcome to your awakening! What you do with it now is up to you. Your life is a miracle and a gift. Try not to waste a single precious minute. Lets connect each day to the powerful healing, energy and love that is available in the present moment.
Wishing you peace and love,
Until next time…