In the early 1900s there were several authors that wrote about the ability to influence your outcomes by sending out “positive energy”. This phenomenon is described as the “Law of Attraction”. But how can we think positive thoughts if we are constantly bombarded with negative thoughts? Without mindfulness or meditation, you will have difficulty controlling which thoughts pop in and out of your head. This jumpy, uncontrolled mind is called “the monkey mind” – aka your “inner voice”.
Understanding the Laws of Energy
Modern science has proven that we are beings of energy. Quantum Theory and other energy-based studies suggest that when our physical bodies cease, that our energy continues on. Our consciousness helps us tune in and become of aware of ourselves and the energy that exists inside of us.
The energy of the mind is influenced by the nourishment we give it. Meaning the thoughts we have are related to what we feed our mind. When we have thoughts, our neural pathways seek to spend the least amount of energy as possible in their evaluation of input (seeking the most efficient path). So our minds will first seek out a common, repeatable pattern before expending the energy required to build a new path or process new information.
The “law of attraction” equation is fueled by our interconnection to all life energy around us. This connection with the life energy influences our outgoing and incoming energy. When we gather together in a group our energy feeds off of each others, creating a tuned and more powerful collective energy.
This new understanding of energy can help us really amplify and expand our results. When we apply mindfulness and focus, we can really hit a sweet spot between intention and result.
Are you Sending out the Right Signal?
Begin to recognize that you are always sending out invisible signals of energy (frequencies). We need to become more aware of how our attitude and feelings influence our energy. Picture a small satellite dish on top of your head, always sending and receiving signals. Whether you are sleeping or you are awake, your body is always flowing with energy (both in and out).
The circumstances and outcomes of our life are always aligned to the signal we are sending out. Our minds are always working, whether we are aware of it or not (mostly we are not).
We Must Become More Aware
Our first step in awareness is understanding the mirror of life and building a healthy understanding and compassion for ourselves. Lets define The Law of Attraction: you receive in life what you focus your energy on.
Your focus and vision needs to be clear and positive. You need to learn to write down and articulate your desires clearly. If you send out a fuzzy signal, you will get a fuzzy result.
If you send out a clear signal and take positive, determined actions on your goal, you will receive a positive, clear result.
Still not sure about this “sending a signal” concept? Human beings are always transmitting energy (electrical vibrations). This has been proven through quantum physics. Our bodies are 99.9% energy. This energy is connected to the world around you. The world around you can also be influenced by the connected energy.
We Are All Just Human Light-bulbs?
Lets look at this from a science example: A human being consumes food (measured by calories) and then releases heat (about 300 BTUs per hour). BTUs are how heat efficiency is measured. A BTU is the amount of energy that is needed to heat or cool one pound of water by one degree.
If you look at this from an electrical perspective, your body puts out the equivalent of about a 100 watt light bulb per hour (~ 350,000 Joules/hour) based on an equation for average calorie intake per day. Regardless of your understanding, you are radiating significant power and energy from the vibration of your 45 trillion cells.
Begin to observe the type of energy you are emitting. Are your thoughts and feelings mostly positive or negative? All of us know people that constantly complain about their situation. We must be very careful about doing this. Words have great power and energy. The sheer act of making sound is a form of creation from nothing.
Be Careful What You Say, Think and Do
Make your thoughts, words and actions aligned and focused on your what you desire (your vision). Try to limit your complaining.
Let’s look at ourselves from the New, Amplified Law of Attraction:
- What are your daily actions? (mostly positive or negative?)
- What are your daily thoughts? (mostly positive or negative?)
- What are your daily words? (mostly positive or negative?)
- What do you feel daily? (mostly positive or negative?)
As you practice “letting go” and begin to “remove negativity” from your life, you will begin to recognize a change in your life. The energy you are transmitting will be much more influential and have a positive effect on your external circumstances. You will find you are much more successful in achieving what you desire.
You have the power and capability within you to get what you truly want in life. Be open to learning new ideas, or in most cases, un-learning what you have been taught. It’s time that you begin to see and approach things differently than your past.
Life is a beautiful miracle, just waiting for you to understand it.
Wishing you peace and love,
Until next time…
– Greg