It’s an age-old question that humans have always wrestled with, can our mind influence our body? We are going to dive into the history of this question and learn the science behind physical matter and energy, the power of healing, how the sun plays a role in all life and the proven influence of the mind.
Physical Matter Thinking
What we know about our physical bodies really improved with Leonardo Da Vinci’s study in the 1400s. Followed by Rene Descartes in the 1600s and Isaac Newton around 1700. This began the modern age of science where philosophy and knowledge of our bodies combined to form a very specific “physical” understanding.
Healing and repairing our physical bodies, began to feed a new area of the science viewpoint. This became known as pharmacology or medicine. While the Chinese had been healing with natural herbs for thousands of years, there was less physical understanding and chemistry to it.
Men of science believed that we are physical machines made of matter and chemicals. If there is a problem with the body, we can use chemicals (pharmaceutical preparations) to make changes. But this still is just one side of the equation.
As traditional medicine continued forward, not much effort was put into our mind’s influence over the body. There were some early theories but not much proven science in “mind over matter”.
The Power of the Mind’s Influence
Researchers have known this for a very long time that Our mind has power and influence on our physical well-being. Many cultures around the world have taught meditation and mind-calming techniques as part of health and healing practices.
The placebo effect is a good example of the mind’s influence. Since as far back as the 1600s, the placebo effect has been a proven scientific approach in clinical studies. This influence has led to further studies on the brain’s role in our physical health and healing.
Genetic determinism believes that genes control your traits (structural, physical, emotional and behavioral) However, there is a newer field of gene study called epigenetics. Epigenetics is the belief that our environment determines our traits. Our environment includes our mind’s impact to our physical body.
Our Mind’s Impact to Our Cells
Cells are controlled by the chemistry of our blood. However, the chemistry of our blood changes by the way we perceive life. This is very important to pay attention to.
If we feel and see love, we release chemistry in the blood that promotes health and vitality. These include dopamine, serotonin and other life sustaining chemicals.
If we feel and see something that threatens us or causes fear, we release chemicals that shut down growth and prepare for protection (like histamine and stress hormones).
What we experience and how we see things directly impacts our chemistry and changes our physical composition. We are proving that the invisible forces are key for shaping our physical world, not the other way around.
Invisible Forces (Energy)
To understand the “invisible forces” in our life, we need to explore quantum mechanics. Early theories of quantum mechanics began as far back as the 1800s.
In 1921, Albert Einstein’s provided a new explanation on the photoelectric effect (he won the Nobel prize for this work). As quantum theory became widely accepted, a whole field of study began to emerge on light and energy physics. This scientific evidence proved that living beings have an invisible “energy” side and are not just physical.
Both the physical and the energy views of our existence, while distinctly different, only provide 1-side of the equation. However, humans beings are a proven combination of both. The question then becomes, which one influences the other? or do they work together? how do they work?
From a physical perspective, modern medicine works great for trauma and infection but not for degenerative diseases (like heart disease and diabetes). So it makes sense that there needs to be a holistic approach that includes all the parts of the whole. We must address all of the influences to our health, including our:
- Diet
- Environment
- Emotions and Feelings
- Energy (balance and levels)
- Chemical, Physical, Genes (traditional “physical” medicine)
Light is a Key
In the 1920s, the Russian scientist Alexander Gurwitsch reported “ultraweak” photon emissions from living tissues in the UV-range of the spectrum.
In the 1970s Fritz-Albert Popp and his research group at the University of Marburg (Germany) showed that the light output of living tissue fell over a wide range of wavelengths, from 200 to 750 nm.
To put it simply, it was a discovery that all living things put out a low level light. When we apply medicine to a certain part of the body, the the light around our whole body changes.
What makes this discovery significant is that it demonstrates that it is not our genes that control our outcome, energy/light is the source modifying our physical self.
This light radiates from each one of us. It extends beyond our physical bodies. This light that surrounds us is called our biofield. Our biofield does not have a known specific boundary. We all blend with each other’s energy field. We are all connected through this energy.
Humans Connection to Earth
The earth itself resonates at a specific vibration or frequency. This is called the Schumann Resonance (about 7.8 hz). When we are very relaxed or are meditating our brains put out very near the same frequency (around 8 hz).
Coincidence? I don’t believe in coincidence.
All of this scientific evidence points back to the fact we are all connected through energy. And it is that energy that is at the core of our outcomes and physical existence.
Understanding How it all Fits Together
The more we understand how energy and our minds work, the more we can connect with life and live a life with positive, predictable outcomes. Unfortunately, schools do not teach these important “life lessons and studies”. Religion and belief take us down a totally different perspective – purely spiritual.
We lack the tools and understanding to be successful and happy in life. Society’s values and technological advancement push us further in the opposite direction (away from life and connected energy). Our situation and our obstacles are accelerating.
Begin your Awakening
We can begin to seek understanding of ourselves and the cause of our suffering. We can be open to the fact that much of what we have learned and believed is taking us farther away from our authentic self and our true purpose. Things are taking us farther from our connection with life and with each other.
Take time each day to do what really matters. Connect with the healing energy that is there inside of you and within every living being.
Wishing you peace and love,
Until next time…
The Biology of Belief – Bruce Lipton Ph.D.
The Healing Field – Penny Price Media